Timesheets in the Cloud? Apps That Can Make HR Easier
Paper-based timesheets and time clocks have long been replaced by electronic alternatives, with many SMBs initially opting for a system that relied on Microsoft Office products and e-mail. Boxed software that facilitates timekeeping can be expensive and far too robust for many businesses’ needs. SMBs demand a simple, straightforward solution that keeps the process as paper-free as possible.
Cloud computing has opened up new possibilities for businesses, with a large number of solutions available. SMBs can isolate just those HR tasks they need, such as the ability to manage employee leave and attendance, without the multitude of other offerings usually packaged into HR software. By working with their managed IT services providers, SMBs can pinpoint the exact cloud solution they need for their organization.
In narrowing down the choices, it’s important to know the different options available with cloud-based timekeeping software. Here are a few of those options that you may or may not need, depending on your business model.
Time Tracking
Law firms and businesses that deal with contractors usually have a need to track time worked. OfficeTime logs the amount of time a person works on a specific project and automatically updates that time for invoicing purposes. Bill4Time tracks time through a widget on the desktop or a mobile app.
If, like many organizations, you simply need an easy, secure way to process timesheets, TimeAttend is a cloud-based solution that can help. Because it’s cloud-based, employees can update time from anywhere and supervisors can login from home to see which employees are on leave on a particular day.
For businesses that pay employees by the hour, timeclocks are still a crucial tool. Fortunately, cloud software like Timesheet Mobile eliminates the need for separate hardware. Using an Android phone or iPhone, employees can clock in and out, whether they’re on a job site or in the office.